Crop Suprem

Crop Suprem

Combination of vegetable extracts  114.20 g / L
Auxins 0.092g / L
Gibberellins 0.106g / L
Cytokinins 1.52g / L
Nitrogen (N) 6.60g / L
Phosphorus Penoxide (P2O5) 13.46g / L
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 13.46g / L
Calcium Oxide (CAO) 1.98g / L
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 3.96g / L
Iron (Fe) 17.42g / L
Zinc (Zn) 26.92g / L
Manganese (Mn) 13.46g / L
Copper (Cu) 13.46g / L
Additives q.s.p.1L



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