Denso Gel 4-0-80 Low Ph

Denso Gel 4-0-80 Low Ph


Fertilizers in suspension form:
BO CROP offers a complete range of suspension fertilizers, products of high purity and quality guaranteed through the full cooperation and support of the world's largest fertilizer producers in the world.

Guaranteed Analysis % w / v
Total Nitrogen (N) 4%
Nitric Nitrogen 4%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) * 80%
Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) 55%
Sulfur (S) 21%
Boron (B) soluble in water 0.03%
Copper (Cu) soluble in water 0.015%
Iron (Fe) soluble in water 0.015%
Manganese (Mn) soluble in water 0.015%
Molybdenum (Mo) soluble in water 0.0075%
Zinc (Zn) soluble in water 0.03%



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