Cropseed Cu - Zn - Mn - Tri

Cropseed Cu - Zn - Mn - Tri


Cropseed Cu - Zn - Mn - Tri is a fertilizer formulated for use in treating seeds. The new BOCROP technology present in the manufacturing process of

Cropseed Cu - Zn - Mn - Tri allows to have a unique product at the time of favoring the germination of the seeds and promoting the growth and development of roots, achieving a rapid establishment of the crop. Cropseed Cu - Zn - Mn - Tri provides zinc, copper and manganese easily assimilated by the plant.

Guaranteed Analysis % w / v
Copper (Cu) * 2.33%
Manganese (Mn) * 15,%
Zinc (Zn) * 7%
Density: 1.50 gr / cc
pH: 5 - 6
Total humic extract 25%

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