Olive tree care

Organic fertilizers for olive trees are an essential element for the health of the substrates of these crops. 

The advantages of an organic fertilizer, if used in the first fertilizer cycles, will not only be observed in the next season, but also in the health of the olive trees and the quality of the olives in the long term.

Nutrients are found naturally in substrates, but these are not replenished so quickly that the soil remains fertile. That is why we must provide extra nutrients to the earth. But, 

Which fertilizer to use?

We should first do a foliar and soil analysis to know the specific needs we have, taking into account the composition and characteristics of the soil, its age, previous subscriber plans, the hydric status or the density of the olive trees.

olive trees care

Today, one of the most advanced organic formulations for bottom fertilizer is our flagship product Organic Live 850, the only 100% natural with a pure organic matter of 85.93%, it is formulated for use in foliar or root use. , although a combination of the two would be perfect.

The organic foliar fertilizer is unique so that all the nutrients penetrate instantly, the leaf can absorb them and give a healthy and strong fruit. 

Root fertilizer is the perfect tandem for a complete fertilizer, although root fertilizer due to inclement weather causes it to degrade the effect we want on the fruit, it is essential to keep the substrates balanced, and to have the desired results in the long run. However, you can also use our soil restructuring agents from the Crop range.

olive care

On the contrary, if we use a traditional compost Vs manure contains high humidity and is not very stable, they can contain seeds of weeds or pathogens that can be transferred to the crop. They are very rich in macronutrients such as nitrogen, if they are not mixed with other poorer ones, they have a tendency to imbalance despite composting. Many of these Vs fertilizers in manure are not allowed in organic farming, since they come from intensive livestock and contain traces of pesticides, antibiotics or heavy metals.

Conventional fertilizers can salinize the substrate, increase toxic salts if they are applied in large quantities and can lead to the degradation of soil life by eliminating microorganisms useful for plant nutrition.

Applying our organic fertilizers allows the action of the soil's own microorganisms to degrade the fertilizer to form water-soluble compounds, which the plant takes advantage of, favoring the proliferation of bacteria and fungi that benefit the soil and help the best use of nutrients on the part. of the plant.

Organic fertilizers for olive trees is a safe bet, another of Bo crop's strong bets in biostimulants, is our “Sea live” line, based on algae extract is 100% organic, it is extracted from harvested Aschophyllym Nodosum algae fresh and handy. Our low temperature extraction system allows us to obtain intact bioactive compounds, in chelated micronutrients, natural antioxidants and polysaccharides. It is a natural tonic that stimulates the plant, strengthens it against diseases and allows them to take stronger roots. It contains optimal amounts of carbohydrates that support the microbial life of the earth. It is a 100% soluble liquid.

Bo Crop products are developed, produced and packaged under strict quality control by our team, so that your crops grow strong and healthy in a 100% natural and sustainable way.

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